Politia Mizil Program Buletine Timisoara
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@Davidlayba Like MontigoZ said, I answered that she can just use her ID to cross the border.@Danescu P (wants to know if it's possible to get a new ID card in less than 24 hours):Nu prea cred ca se poate. Mergeti la serviciul de evidenta persoanelor de care apartineti (sau mai bine la directia judeteana/de sector de evidenta persoanelor) si cereti o audienta la director/sef serviciu, in anumite cazuri ar putea totusi sa aprobe sa vi-l faca asa urgent.(I doubt it's possible but try to see a manager at the ID issuing office, they might make an exception ).
SERIAL NUMBER ALTERED, DEFACED OR REMOVED; OR (F) HAS HAD THE WARRANTY SEAL ON THE PS3™ SYSTEM ALTERED, DEFACED, OR REMOVED. THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER CONSUMABLES (SUCH AS BATTERIES) OR PRODUCTS SOLD 'AS IS' OR WITH ALL FAULTS. THIS WARRANTY. Get your PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation VR, DualShock 4 or your PlayStation VR Aim Controller repaired. Our fix & replace tool offers support if your console doesn't power up, if there is no image on the screen, if your analogue joysticks or buttons are faulty, worn or sticky, or if there are some discs errors. Locating PlayStation®3 Serial Number. Sometimes PS3™ serial numbers are printed on the store receipt. You can locate the model number of the PS3™ by looking at the back of the system near the left side of the vents. Underneath the bar code you will see the 11-digit serial number followed by the model number. Results 1 - 7 of 7. PS3 Model and Serial Number Location. Underneath the bar code you will see the 11-digit serial number followed by the model number which begins with 'CECH'.