Archicad Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf

Keyboard shortcuts improve productivity enormously, but oddly there are no standard shortcuts for Design Tools (wall, door etc.) - correct me if I'm wrong. I have created my own suggestions (see below) together with some of my most-used commands.
Any suggestions for alternatives are welcome:Wall, Shift + W,Wall Tool, Non-TextWindow,Shift + O,Window Tool,Non-Text ('O' for opening)Door, Shift + D,Door Tool, Non-TextSlab, Shift + S,Slab Tool, Non-TextRoof, Shift + C,Roof Tool, Non-Text ('C' for covering)Text, Shift + T,Text Tool, Non-TextLabel, Shift + V,Label Tool, Non-TextZone, Shift + Z,Zone Tool, Non-TextFill, Shift + F,Fill Tool, Non-TextLine, Shift + L,Line Tool, Non-TextPolyline,Shift + P,Polyline Tool,Non-TextRotate,Ctrl + RIntersect,Ctrl + EP.S. As a former AutoCAD user, I do miss the ability to use the space bar to 'enter' a command. In that way, I don't have to use two fingers simultaneously. In my humble opinion:Keyboard shortcuts are the most important way to speed up your drafting in ArchiCAD. My keyboard shortcuts have evolved over the years. The basic idea I have used is to keep your left hand on the left side of your keyboard as much as possible. Determine which commands you use most frequently and keep them easily accessible to the left side of the keyboard; close & easy to get to.
If you use a command often don't give it a shortcut like command 8. Try stretching your hand to make that work! It actually hurts!
Also, you can double up the command keys on the left side by using ex.: command S and command option S simply by having your thumb cover the command & option key at the same time. Memorize the most common shortcut keys & add one a week until your head is full.
ArchiCAD will let you print out your shortcuts. Keep the list by your desk in case you forget any. Jack,I agree. Keyboard shortcuts are essential. But I don't think they need to be relegated to the left of the keyboard. CMD+8, using the CMD key to the right of the keyboard is very easy (middle finger for 8 and thumb on command).
I know that was a generic example, but it is a shortcut I use constantly. Most importantly, the keyboard shortcuts should be one handed, where ever they are. It drives me crazy to watch people do shortcuts two handed. It feels and looks so awkward.The thumb for opt+cmd or ctrl+opt is also a great trick that I try to get my coworkers to use.
ARCHICAD is shipped with several predefined shortcut schemes. These can be listed and most of the shortcuts can be redefined in Options Work Environment Keyboard Shortcuts dialog box. Some useful Shortcuts Highlight ToggleShortcut: TABHave you ever wanted to select a Zone instead of a Slab? The TAB button allows you to toggle through overlapping elements.
The active element will be highlighted.Quick selection ToggleShortcut: SpacebarDo you want to modify a text, but cannot open up its Text Editor? There are a few non-customizable shortcuts (listed at the bottom of the Show Shortcut list).Step 2: Assign ShortcutUse any single letter or number character, or a function key (e.g.
F2) with or without modifier keys (i.e., Ctrl, Shift, and/or Alt). If you change your mind about the shortcut, just re-type it.If the selected function/command already has a shortcut assigned to it, that shortcut is displayed in the Shortcut(s) for selected command window on the right. In this image, the selected command already has a shortcut (Shift+F2).To assign the shortcut despite the collision, click Assign anyway. This action assigns the shortcut and detaches the shortcut from the function/command to which it was previously assigned.If the combination you typed has not yet been assigned to any other command, you will see the sentence: “Currently not assigned to any command”.Click Detach selected shortcut to remove the existing shortcut. If you don’t detach it, you can still assign another shortcut; this way the function/command will have multiple shortcuts.Now type the keys that will constitute the new shortcut.
Archicad Keyboard Shortcuts
(Use the field where it says “Click here and press desired shortcut keys.”) As shown in the image, we pressed the F8 key as our new shortcut.Click Assign. As soon as you make a change to any Work Environment setting, the scheme name at the top of the settings page changes to 'Custom'.When you finish making changes, press OK to close the dialog box and apply current settings. The latest Custom settings will remain intact even after you close and restart ARCHICAD.However, every new settings change redefines the “Custom” scheme according to your latest change. If you want to keep your modifications saved on the long term, it is advisable to store the settings of your Custom scheme in a named scheme, using the Scheme Options dialog box.