Film Susuk Nyi Roro Kidul Full Movie
Contents.Plot Soraya is a young trainee nurse who is starting to feel disaffected by her life. A chance introduction to the world of glamour piques her earlier ambition to be a star. She does not succeed at first, but she is told that the forbidden practice of susuk can help. She has to make a choice whether to stay the way she is, or cross the line. At first, susuk seems to give her confidence in her performance, and even to stand up to her abusive brother-in-law.Meanwhile, Suzana is a prominent diva with an air of mystery. She has long been a practitioner of the black arts due to her use of the extreme susuk keramat.
Every time she violates a taboo, a human life is required - first in the form of accidental deaths of her loved ones, then by outright murder. She develops inhuman, supernatural abilities. At the same time, she yearns for her more innocent days and hires a young assistant who reminds her of 'happier times'.A mysterious and powerful guides the two women down their paths to corruption.
Kisah Nyi Roro Kidul
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