Dc Pandey Physics Pdf Textbook
BASIC MATHEMATICS AND MEASUREMENTS1.1 basic mathematics1.2 significant figures1.3 error analysis1.4 length measuring instruments2. UNIT & DIMENSIONS, VECTORS2.1 units and dimensions2.2 vector and scaler quantities2.3 general points regarding vectors2.4 addition and subtraction of 2 vectors2.5 the components of a vector2.6 the product of two vectors3. MOTION IN 1 DIMENSION3.1 introduction to mechanics and kinematics3.2 basic definitions3.3 motion in one, two and three dimension3.4 uniformly accelerated motion3.5 non- accelerated uniformly motion3.6 graphs3.7 relative motion4.
Dc Pandey Physics Pdf Textbook 2017
PROJECTILE MOTION4.1 projectile motion4.2 projectile motion in an inclined motion4.3 relative motion between two projectiles5. LAWS OF MOTION5.1 types of forces5.2 free body diagram (FBD)5.3 equilibrium5.4 newton's laws of motion5.5 pulleys5.6 constraint equations5.7 pseudo force5.8 friction¤ MUST WATCH:-6. WORK, ENERGY AND POWER6.1 introduction to work6.2 the work done6.3 conservative and non conservative force field6.4 kinetic energy6.5 work energy theorem6.6 potential energy6.7 law of conservation of mechanical energy6.8 three types of equilibrium6.9 power7. CIRCULAR MOTION7.1 kinetics of circular motion7.2 dynamics of circular motion7.3 motion in a vertical circle8.