Autodesk Maya 2014 Extension Download Helper
Download Autodesk Maya 2014
Install Maya Help on WindowsThis section describes how to install a local version of the Maya Help on your system. You can also install the Maya Helpon a shared location such as an internal network or web server.
Install Maya Help on LinuxThis section describes how to install a local version of the Maya Help on your system. You can also install the Maya Helpon a shared location such as an internal network or web server.
NoteOn the Mac OS X systems, you can only install the Maya Help to the default directory. To use the Maya Help from a shared location,you must copy the docs directory to a shared location. Individual systems can then set their Help preferences so they access Help from this location.When choosing a shared location, ensure that the directory path to the Maya Help does the following:. Points directly to the Help location. For example, CompanyServerSharedLocationMayaHelpdocsMaya2014enUS.Do not use an alias path.
Points to the directory containing the index.html file.
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